Positive Imaginings is an award winning Creative Climate Education Project, which artistically presents children's imaginings of a positive future in the face of climate change, and includes: an outdoor performance; woodland workshops; and teacher training.

We create opportunities for young people who encounter barriers to participating in climate action, to get involved, and feel inspired & empowered.

Positive Imaginings was co-created by professional theatre makers, environmental educators and children in the run-up to COP26 to address the climate emergency for a young audience in an informative, meaningful, and positive way.

Completely Awestruck! It is hard to put into words the magic that you created today ... Dealing with matters as big as climate change and empowering our children to speak out was so powerful. Every element of this production was so skilfully executed which created this unique outdoor experience. Connecting the audience with nature and the core themes ensured not only our heads but our hearts were engaged. Thank you for bringing this incredible work to Craigmillar! My Positive Imagining is that all children in Scotland get the opportunity to engage with this incredible work of art. Truly empowering.
— Kirsten Mack, Outdoor Learning Development Officer and Teacher, The City of Edinburgh Council

If you would like an insight into the whole project, including the workshops and show development process, our short documentary (9 minutes) is a brilliant watch! 

If you have not seen the show our 2 minute film will take you on a wee tour of Scotland’s first and only Cycling Climate Circus!

This beautiful 1 minute soundscape of Positive Imaginings from the children of Craigmillar has been listened to by over 100,000 people from all around the world! It was played at COP26, on BBC radio and on the Outrage + Optimism climate podcast (hosted by Christiana Figueres)!

“Rowanbank’s Positive Imaginings Project is exactly the kind of initiative we need to engage with diverse communities on climate change....We need creativity and imagination alongside scientific understanding to enable the rapid changes necessary to tackle the crisis. This is something of such crucial importance to our future that all should be involved. And with education and involvement we will all need commitment, resilience and hope”.
— Lord Stern of Brentford, Chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics; Lead the Stern Review, The Economics of Climate Change

Humans have the unique gift to imagine, vision and create. Our imagination informs our actions.

We have the experience and expertise to help guide your approach to climate education and communication in a sensitive and holistic way. Please get in touch for details of how to book The Positive Imaginings Programme and how you can support The Positive Imaginings Project. 

This is the decade we must address the climate emergency. The UK has ambitious emissions targets. We now need to turn this ambition into action. This project aims to both educate and give a voice to children, creating a sense of agency and hope for their future, and a stepping-stone towards taking the action needed to address the climate and nature emergency.

Positive Imaginings addresses critical environmental issues with a sense of positivity and resilience. We ask children about the future they want to see and we listen and take action!

Positive Imaginings uses play, circus, music and theatre to connect children with the natural world; to spark joy, a sense of magic and wonder; to empower and give a voice to children from some of the most disadvantaged areas in Scotland. Through a series of woodland workshops we give children the space, time and support to imagine a positive future in the face of climate change, supporting outdoor learning, climate science and citizenship, and staff and pupil health and wellbeing.

Donate to Positive Imaginings and help us continue offering this programme
“I love how the show starts as a magical exploration of the forest, an introduction to the trees, with gentle hints of concern….bags representing climate issues was sudden, abrupt, shocking, effective. Childrens voice recordings coming from the trees as we left was beautiful and hopeful. I found the combination of costumes, circus, music and poetry so engaging.”
— Parent audience member

We would like to say a very special thank you to all our project funders and partners that have helped make the Positive Imaginings Project possible: