Positive Imaginings Children's Climate Circus

We are excited to announce the launch of our new creative climate change education project - Positive Imaginings! Thanks to Creative Scotland and everyone who donated to our Crowdfunder we raised £15,320 from 222 supporters!!! This money has enabled us to start work on the first phase of the project. We have commissioned Hannah Lavery to write short stories that will be used as part of a series of woodland workshops with primary school children in Craigmillar. These begin in May and run until the end of term.

For more information on the project see below:

Rowanbank Environmental Arts & Education is collaborating with Hannah Lavery, the award winning poet and playwright (www.hannahlavery.com), Rachael MacIntyre from Jabuti Theatre (www.jabutitheatre.com), Jemima Thewes (https://www.jemimathewes.co.uk) and award winning film maker Felipe Bustos Sierra (http://www.debasers.co.uk) to artistically present children's imaginings of a positive future in the face of climate change.

Positive Imaginings will use circus & theatre, all in an outdoor environment, to connect children with the natural world. To spark joy, a sense of magic, and wonder. To empower and give a voice to children from diverse backgrounds in areas of multiple deprivation in Scotland. By giving these children space, time and support to connect with nature and imagine a positive future, we create a stepping-stone towards taking the action needed to address the climate and nature emergency.

Climate justice is at the heart of this project. Reaching people most affected by climate change and/or who encounter barriers to participation in tackling climate change is one of our main aims. We believe that climate action must be intersectional and inclusive, uplifting the voices of those who are most marginalised. Positive Imaginings will put these children’s voices at the very centre of the story.

This project will shine a light on COP26, the international climate change conference that is taking place in Glasgow in November, and create opportunities for people who encounter barriers to participation in tackling climate change to get involved in a way that benefits their mental and physical health, leaving them feeling inspired and empowered to take action.

We are looking for organisations and individuals who share our vision and want to help make this project happen. Your involvement is critical to its success!

For more information on Positive Imaginings and how to support this exciting project please get in touch.

“Children need to be aware of the severity of the climate crisis, and the potential consequences for us all, but they also need to feel that they can do something about it. Fear paralyses but hope galvanises. And Rowanbank's Positive Imaginings initiative is hope on a very large scale because few things are as powerful as the creative arts when it comes to changing the world. Through the power of storytelling and circus acts, this project will help children from some of the most deprived areas in Scotland fall in love with nature and feel empowered to save our planet. I am 100% behind it.” Abi Elphinstone, bestselling children's author

We are delighted that The Woodland Trust Scotland, NatureScot, The University of Edinburgh’s Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability are partners in the Positive Imaginings project.

This project is part of Season for Change, a UK-wide cultural programme inspiring urgent and inclusive action on climate change, led by Artsadmin and Julie’s Bicycle, and supported by Arts Council England and Paul Hamlyn Foundation.